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Check out this Suzuki Quad Grass Bundle from Lucky Day Competitions!


It includes:


2021 Suzuki 500 King quad
Fully Auto
Selectable 4 wheel drive plus diff lock
Terra Green


Greenmount 55L ATV Sprayer

18” Handgun
2m 4 Nozzle Spray Boom


JVC 500L Tipping Trailer

  • Metal support frame making it suitable for heavy
    loads up to 500kg.
  • Tough & durable polyethylene body mounted on to a galvanised metal frame.
  • Fitted with a lever ball hitch.
  • Protective steel plate on front lip of body prevents damage on impact.
  • Strong hinge point allows for tipping of loads.
  • Fitted with 2 roller bearing 4-ply pneumatic wheels.


Sickle mower Jansen SMR-120

The Jansen SMR-120 ATV sickle mower units offer you great flexibility. You can tow this mowing unit, with a quad, ATV, mowing tractor, a narrow-gauge tractor and even your personal vehicle. Thanks to the installed petrol engine, with an impressive 15 HP performance, you can stay independent, and on the move.

The mowing unit is connected to the towing vehicle with a simple ball head coupling. The cutting height can be adjusted with ease. The four-stroke petrol engine drives the mowing unit via a V-belt.

The engine can be simply started using an electric starter; the 12 volt battery comes as part of the delivery.

The 3 installed blades cut the grass very evenly at a width of approx. 115 cm. The SMR-120 has a very clean and even cutting profile. Thanks to the large, stable pneumatic tyres, the mower can also be moved on very uneven surfaces without difficulty.


Jar-Met Fertliser Spreader

300L Capacity
6 Meter Spreading Width

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